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Essential Tips From San Jose Roofers for Roofing 101

Lifetime Roofing & Renovation Essential Tips

When it comes to mastering the basics of roofing, San Jose roofers such as Lifetime Roofing & Renovation, Inc. have invaluable insights to share. From selecting the ideal roofing materials to prioritizing safety measures, their expertise can guide you towards a successful project. By understanding essential techniques and using the right tools, you can start on your roofing journey with confidence. Stay tuned to uncover these essential tips that will pave the way for a sturdy and aesthetically pleasing roof in the heart of San Jose.

Choosing the Right Roofing Materials

When selecting the right roofing materials, consider the climate and aesthetic preferences of your area. It’s important to choose materials that can withstand the specific weather conditions in San Jose. For hot climates like San Jose, materials such as clay tiles or metal roofs are durable options that can help regulate indoor temperatures and provide adequate protection from the sun.

In addition to climate considerations, think about the overall look you want to achieve for your home. San Jose is known for its diverse architectural styles, so whether you prefer a modern, sleek appearance or a more traditional look, there are roofing materials to match your aesthetic preferences. For a contemporary feel, consider using materials like concrete tiles or asphalt shingles. If you prefer a classic touch, options such as wood shakes or slate tiles might be more suitable.

Understanding Roofing Safety Guidelines

To guarantee the safety of yourself and others during roofing projects, adhere strictly to established safety guidelines. Safety should be your top priority when working on a roof. Before starting any project, make sure to inspect the area for potential hazards such as power lines, weak spots, or debris.

Always wear appropriate safety gear like non-slip shoes, a hard hat, and safety harnesses when working at heights. Secure all ladders properly and use caution when climbing up or down. Be mindful of the weather conditions and never work on a wet or icy roof.

Communicate with your team effectively and establish clear signals to ensure everyone’s safety. Take regular breaks to avoid fatigue and stay hydrated throughout the day. In case of an emergency, have a first aid kit readily available. By following these safety guidelines diligently, you can prevent accidents and guarantee a successful roofing project.

Proper Roof Inspection Techniques

Examining a roof thoroughly is crucial before starting any roofing project to guarantee its structural integrity and identify potential issues. Start by visually inspecting the roof from the ground, looking for missing, cracked, or curling shingles, as well as any signs of sagging or water damage. Once on the roof, walk carefully, checking for soft spots, rotting wood, or rust on metal surfaces. Pay close attention to areas around chimneys, vents, and skylights, as these are common trouble spots for leaks.

Next, inspect the gutters and downspouts for debris that could cause water backups and potential roof damage. Look for signs of granules from shingles accumulating in the gutters, indicating shingle wear. Additionally, check for proper attic ventilation and insulation to prevent moisture buildup and potential mold growth.

Regular roof inspections can help catch minor issues before they escalate into costly repairs. By following these inspection techniques, you can make sure your roof remains in good condition and prolong its lifespan.

Essential Tools for Roofing Projects

Inspecting a roof thoroughly requires specific tools that are indispensable for successful completion of any roofing project. One essential tool is a roofing ladder, providing safe access to different parts of the roof.

A tape measure is important for accurate measurements, ensuring precise cuts and material estimates. A utility knife is handy for cutting shingles and other materials with ease.

Additionally, a hammer is a must-have for securing materials in place and making adjustments during the installation process. A chalk line helps in achieving straight lines for proper alignment of shingles or tiles.

Roofing nail guns save time and effort when fastening materials to the roof structure. Finally, safety equipment such as gloves, goggles, and a hard hat are essential for protecting yourself during the project.

These tools, when used correctly, won’t only make your roofing project more manageable but also contribute to a safer and efficient work environment.

Roofing Installation Best Practices

For successful roofing installation, prioritize proper alignment of materials to guarantee long-lasting durability and structural integrity. Begin by confirming that the underlying roof deck is in good condition, free of any rot or damage. Properly align the drip edge along the eaves to prevent water damage and facilitate water runoff. When laying down the underlayment, make sure it’s flat and wrinkle-free to provide a smooth surface for the shingles.

Next, pay close attention to the shingle installation process. Start at the eaves and work your way up, overlapping each row to prevent water infiltration. Use the appropriate number of nails and ensure they’re driven in straight to secure the shingles effectively. Properly seal any joints or flashing to prevent leaks and maintain a watertight seal.

Tips for Roof Maintenance and Repairs

To keep your roof in top condition, regular maintenance and timely repairs are essential for guaranteeing its longevity and structural integrity. Start by inspecting your roof at least twice a year, ideally in the fall and spring, to catch any issues early. Trim overhanging tree branches to prevent damage and keep gutters clear to guarantee proper drainage. Check for loose or damaged shingles, as well as any signs of water damage or leaks. Addressing these promptly can prevent more extensive damage down the line.

When it comes to repairs, don’t hesitate to call a professional roofer for help with more complex issues. Minor repairs like fixing a small leak or replacing a few shingles can often be done DIY, but for larger problems or if you’re unsure, it’s best to seek expert assistance. Investing in regular maintenance and timely repairs now can save you from costly replacements or major repairs in the future. Remember, a well-maintained roof not only protects your home but also adds value to your property.

Dealing With Common Roofing Issues

Regularly checking for common roofing issues can help you catch problems early and avoid costly repairs later on. One common issue to watch out for is missing or damaged shingles. Strong winds or debris can cause shingles to become loose or fall off, leaving your roof vulnerable to leaks.

Inspecting your roof for any missing or damaged shingles and promptly replacing them can prevent water damage.

Another common problem is clogged gutters. Leaves, twigs, and other debris can accumulate in your gutters, causing water to back up and potentially seep into your roof.

Cleaning your gutters regularly can guarantee proper drainage and prevent water from damaging your roof’s structure.

Additionally, flashing around chimneys, vents, and skylights can deteriorate over time, leading to water leaks. Checking the condition of the flashing and repairing or replacing it as needed can help maintain a watertight seal and prevent leaks.


To wrap up, by following the essential tips from San Jose roofers, you can guarantee a durable and visually appealing roof that withstands the hot climate and complements the architectural styles of the area.

Remember to choose the right materials, prioritize safety, conduct proper inspections, use essential tools, follow best practices for installation, and stay on top of maintenance and repairs.

With these tips in mind, you can have a successful roofing project in San Jose.


Why You Need a Trusted Roofer in Breckenridge, Colorado

The town of Breckenridge, CO, is one of the best known municipalities in Summit County, as well as the most populous. If you’re looking for a dependable roofer in the city – even if you live near the outskirts or out in the countryside – you’ll find that Breckenridge roofing professionals are among the most trusted, experienced and proficient roofing experts in the entire region.

Why do you need to make sure you hire the most trusted roofer in Breckenridge? There are a number of reasons, including concerns of paying too much for a new roof and of spending money on repairs that might not last long. However, the most important reason is that of getting the best advice for your future roofing projects.

Breckenridge roofing

How a Trusted Roofing Professional Can Help You

Whether you just bought a new home in Breckenridge and moved here recently, or you’ve been in the area for a while but your good quality roof didn’t need repairs over the years, you might still find yourself in need of a dependable roofing service. The problem is that many roofers will try to get more money from you than they should, and if you don’t know much about the roofing industry and the roofing services or products that they might be trying to sell, you could end up spending too much money.

A trusted Breckenridge roofing professional with good knowledge of the area can help you in a number of ways:

  • They’ll give you advice that will assist you to recognize roofing scams and steer clear of roofers that lack integrity.
  • They can make sure you have the right information to start out on doing your own research, finding the most suitable roofing products for your home, and learning about the best pricing offers you should aim for.
  • A trusted roofing expert will provide you with their own services, too. However, they will never seek to take advantage of your need for quality and claim that only their offers are relevant. In fact, they will show you, through logic, as well as factual evidence delivered through reviews and references, why you should opt for their support and how they might be able to help you more easily than their competitors.
  • If you need advanced support through hi-tech solutions like cutting edge gutter systems, metal roofing accessories or sustainable roofing solutions, they will update you on recent breakthroughs in the science and industry of roofing design, and help you make an informed choice.

Sifting Through the Information

To ensure that you have the best information to decide on what your roofing project should be about, local Breckenridge roofers will never seek to pressure you. Instead, they’ll give you their advice and information and allow you to make up your own mind about what materials to choose, what design is best for your home’s curb appeal and what roofing products or upgrades you should invest in.

Simply available as a humble guide – and as a fierce and hard working roofing installation service, should you choose their services – you’ll find Breckenridge roofers to often go above and beyond in providing the very best roofing solutions and support that you can find in the entire region.

When Is It Time To Call An Aubrey Roofing Company?

If you are wondering when is the right time to call an Aubrey roofing company, you must know, first of all, what are the signs indicating certain problems with your roof that need to be resolved. You should not wait too much, because the damage could be significant. You must periodically observe what is happening with your roof, so as not to be taken by surprise and experience indoor discomfort and costly repairs.

A damaged roof can lead to many problems in the rest of the house, such as infiltrations that, over time, may even affect the resistance structure of the building.

Aubrey roofing services

Here are the signs that it is time to call experienced Aubrey roofing services to repair your roof:

Moisture and mold

Moisture in the roof structure can be the result of condensation caused by variations in temperature and humid air coming from inside the building and through the ceiling. Lack of roof ventilation will inevitably lead to condensation and mold. Efficient ventilation of the roof prevents the accumulation of heat and moisture as well as the formation of mold. Roof ventilation is the simple process of ensuring the free movement of air through its structure.

Water leaks

Water leaks through the roof may cause expensive damage, as they can lead to the destruction of thermal insulation, loss of thermal properties, structural damage of the roof, damage to the roof cover, as well as damage inside the house.

Therefore, if you notice leaks on the walls of the upper rooms, or in the attic, it is a clear sign that your roof needs repairs. The causes may be related to low quality roofing materials, or damage caused by severe weather conditions.

Cracking paint on the ceiling/ walls

There are several causes that lead to cracks appearing on the ceiling, the most common being a high level of humidity in the cold season, or the wear and tear of the roof which allows water infiltrations. As soon as you notice cracking paint on the ceiling or on the interior walls, it is necessary to check up your roof before performing the repairs.

You may also notice cracked paint on the exterior walls; in this case, the roof is, once again, most likely to blame. There may be undetected water leaks, damaged gutters or inadequate ventilation.

Missing/damaged tiles or shingles

The wind can be the biggest enemy of the roof, no matter the materials it is made of: ceramic tiles, metal shingles, slate etc. To make sure that the roof is solid and able to withstand various weather phenomena, but also to avoid other inconveniences, check if the tiles are properly fixed, and the screw holes do not allow water to seep in.

High energy bill

When electricity bills start to go up, but the higher energy consumption does not reflect better indoor thermal comfort, it is advisable to check your roof. The attic may be poor ventilated, which in turn may cause the home’s heating and cooling systems to function more to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature.

How Does a Good Roof Help Prevent Wind Damage?

When it comes to Castle Rock roofing company installations, you can never be too sure as to whether or not a brand new roof will perform as expected. There are many unknowns involved, and not all roofing systems are suitable for the area you live in. If you just moved to Castle Rock, it might be a good idea to do some research about the impact of the local climate on various roofing materials and the recommended roofing systems and products that could help your new roof survive for many decades.

How Wind Damage Can Cripple Even the Best Roofing Installations

Before considering how a quality roof can prevent wind damage, let’s take a look at how wind damage “operates” and what specific types of damages it can create. Here are a few points to take into account:

  • Wind damage can vary a lot. It can range between a few missing shingles and a badly damaged roof with extensive shingle and flashing damage, that will make it leak and will require extensive repairs as soon as possible.
  • Castle Rock might not be in an area that’s prone to hurricanes, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be affected by wind damage. Storms in the area can reach impressive wind speeds that often make homeowners think twice about cutting corners when buying or repairing a roof.
  • Every type of roof has its unique strong points and weak points. Some metal roofs, for example, might be very resilient in the face of hail or fire damage, but because they are made from thin and flat panels, the wind can lift them up like airplane wings in some instances.
  • Wind damage can also act over time. Moderate, rather than strong, but also consistent winds, can frequently dislodge roofing shingles and flashing installations over time, leading to damages that can’t easily be seen from the ground. However, if you fail to have your roof inspected, these kinds of damages will often degenerate into something much worse during the next big storm.

Castle Rock roofing company

The Importance of Choosing a Roof That’s Worth It

Fortunately, roofing technologies and the skills and experience of Castle Rock roofing company technicians have both evolved over the years. Nowadays, a good roof can genuinely protect your home against the elements and fend off roofing damage to help you avoid spending a lot of money on repairs.

Concrete and clay roofs are among the best for this purpose, as they are heavy and difficult to dislodge. Even when your home experiences a storm with impressive wind speeds, the roof will likely be completely intact at the end, as long as it was installed correctly.

The use of quality materials can also lead to a roof that’s more resilient and robust. This is where the difference between a cheap roof and a good quality one can be seen, as the better quality roof will keep preventing wind damage from occurring even decades after it was initially installed.

Finally, there are manufacturers and architects who take great lengths to design roofs and roofing products that are more aerodynamic and designed from the start to prevent wind damage. Although some of these technologies are still in the future, they are very promising and it’s worth asking your Castle Rock roofers for more information about them.

Why Metal Roofing Is Such A Solid Choice

Metal roofing systems are gaining popularity throughout the nation, the material being the go-to choice for any type of building in any climate region. Here are some qualities that make metal such an excellent, solid solution for any application.

Durability and Resistance to the Elements

One of the qualities that make metal roofing such a great choice is the long lifespan offered by the material, many metal roofing products being warranted for around 50 years. If you choose metal for your next roof, you can be sure that you will not need to replace the structure for the next decades.

Metal is also a very resilient material, able to withstand extreme weather events. The alloys that metal roofing materials are made from are either very resistant to rust and corrosion or they are rust-proof, which makes metal roofing panels and shingles suitable for humid climates. Metal systems are also able to hold up the weight of snow, they can stand up to wide temperature variations and strong UV radiation. A metal roofing Lafayette professional installer says that most metal roofing products are Class-A fire-rated, non-combustible materials, perfect for fire-prone areas, such as for applications located near forests. Some metal systems come with high wind-resistance classifications as well.

Metal is a material that cannot be harmed by pests either, therefore the solution is suitable for regions where termite and wasp infestations are a common threat.

metal roofing Lafayette

A Wide Variety of Styles

Aesthetic appeal is among the most important aspects that building owners consider when choosing their roofing material. Metal is a great choice from that point of view as well – the material comes in the form of large panels, smaller tiles, shakes or of shingles, in standing seam varieties, with standing seams or with concealed seams. The range of the colors and finishes available is also very wide and includes glossy and matte variants, classic colors, such as terracotta or brown, as well as much bolder color variations, including shades of blue, green, red, even black and white.

An Eco-Friendly Option

Metal roofing materials are completely recyclable, which makes them a great option for any environment-conscious building owner.

Metal roofs also protect the natural environment by reducing the energy needs of the building that they are installed on. The components treated with reflective coatings absorb much less of the sun’s heat than non-reflective roofing solutions, which means that these reflective materials transfer less heat towards the building interior than more conventional materials.

Low Maintenance Needs

Metal roofing systems need very little of the owner’s attention. Like any roofing system, metal roofs also need to be cleaned and inspected twice a year, in spring and in fall, and the roof faults revealed during the inspection need to be addressed right away. However, the process of cleaning, inspecting and repairing metal roofs is a straightforward and easy – it mostly involves the removal of dust, dirt, dead leaves, branches and feathers that accumulate on any type of roofing and the faults that will be identified during the inspections are likely to be minor and only cosmetic in nature.

What Are Some Advantages of Metal Roofing?

Choosing the material for your next roof can be an overwhelming task, especially if you have no previous experience with roofing materials. Fortunately, there is a material that is suitable for almost any building, any aesthetic requirements and any climate and that is metal. Here are some of the most important benefits offered by the material that enjoys huge popularity already and is becoming the preferred choice for new and replacement roofs all over the country.


Experienced metal roofing Longmont contractors affirm that metal roofing materials can stand up to almost any weather, including strong UV radiation, heavy rain and snow, even hail and wind. Standard metal structures can stand up to winds that rage 140 mph and impact-resistant varieties can go through even the strongest hailstorm without damage or sustaining damage that is merely cosmetic in nature.

Metal is also a fire-resistant and pest-resistant material. Metal roofs are safe for applications located in fire-prone areas, such as near forests. Metal panels, tiles and shingles are also impervious to pests, therefore

Long Lifespan

Metal roofs are long-lived, too – a correctly installed, properly maintained metal roof can last for up to 70 years without causing any major issues.

Easy Installation and Low Maintenance

Most metal roofing systems come in the form of kits – packages complete with all the fasteners and other accessories needed for the installation and with detailed, easy to understand installation instructions. Your new metal roof can be installed without too much previous roofing experience and without any special, dedicated tools.

The maintenance of a correctly installed metal roof is equally easy. Your metal roofing will need to be cleaned and inspected once or twice a year, but the cleaning process is really easy and the inspections are likely to reveal only minor issues. Most metal roofs can be painted when necessary and it is recommended to protect them with suitable coatings that make the systems even more resistant to corrosion and to UV rays.

metal roofing Longmont

Energy Efficiency

The alloys used by manufacturers in metal roofing systems reflect heat, therefore they can reduce the quantity of the energy needed for cooling the building in summer by around 25%. To improve that energy efficiency even further, it is a good idea to insulate the structure, too.

An Environment Friendly Material

Many metal roofing systems are manufactured from recycled materials and when your metal roof reaches the end of its lifespan, it will generate waste that is almost completely recyclable, too.

An Incredible Variety of Styles

In the past, metal was used only to build flat roofs, such as the roofs on commercial buildings and on modern residential construction. Today, metal roofing systems come not only in the form of panels to be fixed on flat buildings, but in the form of shingles, tiles and shakes suitable for any type of pitched roofing. Metal systems are available in a huge variety of colors and textures as well – you can find glossy and textured varieties, while the color palette is also diverse and includes classic hues, such as terracotta, red and brown as well as bold shades, such as green, blue, black and white.

What to Look for When Hiring A Multi-Family Roofing Contractor

Roofing work on residential buildings can be challenging, especially if it involves a multi-family property. The first challenge that the owners of multi-family properties are faced with is finding the right the roofer for the project – the contractor hired for the job will need to make sure that the special requirements of multi-family environments are met and the work performed also needs to be of the highest quality. Finding such a great roofer is not easy, but not impossible either – here is what to look for while you are trying to find the perfect contractor for your multi-family roofing project.

Experience in Handling Multi-Family Projects

Try to find a contractor who has previously worked on multi-family properties, that way you can be sure that your roofer will be familiar with the special requirements that come with such projects, such as minimizing the disruption that the residents need to endure or increased attention to safety. You can start your search online, looking for roofers who provide information related to their experience in the field and ask for references and proof of successfully accomplished previous projects when you meet the roofer in person.

commercial roofing Orlando

Licensing and Insurance

Make sure that the Orlando roofer you hire is licensed to legally provide roofing services in your state. When you interview roofers that seem suitable for your project, ask for proof of the licenses and insurance policies carried by the roofers and also take the time to check the documents.


The internet is a great source of information when you are checking the reputation of local Orlando roofers as well. Check review sites for the ratings received by local roofers and the forums where people share their opinions about the services they have received – if there are any complaints about roofers that you are evaluating, you will surely find out.

The Service Range

Ideally, the roofer that you hire provides roof installation, roof repair, roof maintenance and emergency roofing services as well – that way, you will be able to rely on your roofer for any type of roofing work. While interviewing roofers, find out whether they include all these services into their range and also ask about their processes in place to keep track of the different roofs they are in charge of. A good, experienced commercial roofing Orlando professional has a rigorous tracking system and data base in place to ensure that no maintenance deadline is ever missed and that all the necessary repairs are performed in a timely and efficient manner. Ask the roofers about their ways of handling emergencies as well – fixing any emergencies as quickly as possible is of increased importance in the case of residential applications.


After you have discussed the details of the roofing services needed for your multi-family property, ask the roofers that you interview to provide written cost estimates, then compare and evaluate each estimate in terms of warranties, prices, the quality of the materials to be used and the deadlines proposed for each type of work. Make your final decision based not only on the price – quality-related aspects are just as important. Sign a contract with the roofer that you pick – the process of looking for a suitable roofer us complete only when the contract is signed by you as well as by the roofer.

The Top Most Durable Commercial Roofing Materials

The roof on your commercial facility is among your most important corporate assets – without a good roof, your building and other valuables might sustain extensive damage and your operations might also be disrupted. If the decision has been made to replace the existing roof on your building, one of the most important aspects to have in mind while browsing material options is durability. To make the final choice easier for you, commercial roofing Aurora CO specialists confirm that these are some of the most durable commercial roofing materials.

commercial roofing Aurora CO


Polyvinyl chloride is a synthetic material used for many purposes and in many ways in construction. When used on roofs, PVC panels offer longevity in excess of 25 years. The material is impervious to water, resistant to fire and pests and can withstand many forms of extreme weather as well. If the solution seems attractive to you, be aware that all these great features come for a price – PVC is currently considered to be among the more expensive materials.


Metal panels and sheets have long been the most popular options for commercial roofs. Made from strong and resistant alloys, such as stainless steel, galvanized steel, aluminum, copper and zinc, metal roofs can last for up to 50 years (if maintained properly, even longer) and can provide dependable protection from rain, snow, wind, UV rays and wide temperature variations.

Besides durability, metal roofing comes with another great feature: if the roof’s support structure is strong enough, the new panels can be installed on top of the existing roof, without requiring removal.

Modified Bitumen

The material is practically a more modern version of the traditional built-up roof. Modified bitumen roofs are built using sheets made from asphalt and they offer all the benefits of the building material, from superior strength, resistance to water, flexibility to resist temperature-related shifting and energy-efficiency. All these qualities make modified bitumen roofs very durable, too – you can expect your bitumen roof to last for at least 30 years without requiring you do perform any special maintenance (other than the usual, regular cleaning and inspection).


Ethylene propylene diene methylene is a synthetic rubber compound, preferred for its superior resistance to wide temperature variations as well as to the prolonged exposure to water. The material is most commonly available in two thicknesses, thinner varieties offering a lifespan of around 15 years and thicker products coming with a lifespan of up to 30 years.


Thermoplastic polyolefin is a relative newcomer on the market of roofing materials, but it is already among the most popular options due to the affordability, easy installation, efficiency and low maintenance needs of the material. TPO comes in the form of a membrane that is spread on the roof and fastened through welding or with other methods to form an extremely resistant surface that can last for about 15-20 years. TPO roofs come with very low maintenance needs as well, but like any other roof type, these roofs also need to be cleaned and inspected regularly. The most sensitive part of a TPO roof is the seams, so pay special attention to these areas when performing a roof check-up.

Superior Commercial Roofing Products for Durability

Roof membranes are products that cover commercial buildings, airports, institutions, etc. which are provided with a flat roof. The properties of the membranes have been improved greatly more recently, by inserting reinforcements added with compounds that provide them resistance to UV, long exposure to cold or to freeze-thaw cycles and to chemical attacks.

Bituminous membranes

Bituminous membranes are some of the most durable flat roof covers that have the role of preventing water leaks. Their popularity is due to the low cost, availability of materials, and ease of installation. A bituminous membrane acts as a single composite structure, but its behavior is influenced by the properties of the materials from which it is made, the surface it is applied to and the environment in which it must serve.

They are based on modified bitumen added with elasto-plastomer polymers, having a fiberglass or polyester reinforcement and are made with different finishes on the top (mineral slate, sand, aluminum foil etc.)

Where are they used?

  • Prevention of water infiltration in construction elements, roofs, terraces, foundations, basements, tunnels, etc.
  • Restoration of waterproofing on the terraces of old buildings
  • Waterproofing of new non-circulating or circulating terraces

commercial roof repair Dallas

EPDM membranes

An EPDM membrane is the only waterproofing solution for flat roofs whose lifespan can be compared to that of the building.

An EPDM waterproofed roof has a lifespan that often reaches 50 years. It should be noted that during all this time the elasticity and durability of this material will not change significantly, not even at an elongation of over 300% and at temperatures between minus 40 and plus 130 degrees Celsius. Basically, its resistance to UV, ozone or infrared radiation is unmatched.

According to commercial roof repair Dallas contractors, these performances are well known worldwide and verified in practice and with the help of numerous independent studies. It is no coincidence that it has become the most widely used method of waterproofing flat roofs.

The EPDM membrane has proven its indisputable value in the long run. Basically, the quality-price ratio is without competition, being a financial investment that pays off quickly. Especially since almost no maintenance or additional protection is required. In the unlikely event that you need repairs, they are punctual, quick and easy to perform.

Some roofs can be insulated with a single sheet, which ensures a perfect seal. Its special elasticity means that it does not deform when the building or the ground moves.

If you opt for a green roof on your commercial building, you should know that the substrate used for plants may contain salts, fertilizers and other substances with corrosive potential. Their infiltration can pose problems to the structural integrity of the building. EPDM rubber is the safest form of waterproofing. It is highlighted as an ecologically stable material, immune to the action of numerous chemical agents.

Water is a formidable enemy for any building, in the sense that roof leaks can cause considerable damage. That is why it is very important to consider a superior material such as the EPDM membrane for your commercial roof, to keep your business protected and enjoy peace of mind for a very long time.


How Often Should I Inspect My Roof?

Most property owners, even the people who care for their building and put a significant amount of work into their property to maintain it in proper condition, tend to take their roof for granted and expect the topmost defense layer of their building to perform well without any care and attention. To be able to enjoy the protection that your roof offers to your building and your household, you need to maintain it regularly – here is how and what to include into your maintenance sessions.

The Frequency of Roof Inspections

Winter and summer are the two seasons that cause the most stress to your roof, so ideally, your regular roof maintenance sessions should be scheduled for the period right after the harsh seasons, for spring and for fall.

Your roof can also suffer damage during very severe weather events, so it is a good idea to inspect your roof after each harsh storm and after each longer rainy period.

Houston roofing contractor will perform annual inspection services

How Your Inspections Should Be Performed

Basically, there are two ways to perform roofing inspection: you can either do it on your own or you can hire a professional Houston roofing contractor to do it for you.


If you choose to perform the roof inspection yourself, you first of all need to make sure that you can perform the task safely. You need to have a sturdy and stable ladder that can be safely attached to the roof edge; you need to wear the right work protection clothes, including non-slip work shoes, a helmet and work gloves and you also need a fall arrest system to anchor yourself. If you have all these, you can climb up to the roof to do the inspection, but watch your step and don’t place your body weight where the roof seems weak.

During the roof inspection, look for faults and issues that are potential leak hazards, such as shingles that have lost their surface granules, shingles that have curling edges, are buckling or have blisters, tiles that are cracked, chipped or missing, dents in metal components that are more severe than mere cosmetic damage. Extend the inspection to roof accessories, such as the vents, flashing stripes around your skylights, your chimneys and in your roof valleys and perform a thorough check of your gutters and your downspouts as well. If you have a flat roof, look for signs of damaged seams or shrinking. Check for discolorations as well – a roof area that has changed color might be infested with algae or moss and might have already become weaker than the rest of the roof. Check for structural damage on the roof as well as in the attic – any sagging, any damaged wooden components need your attention.

What Next

All the issues, even the smallest hole or the thinnest hairline crack, need to be repaired right after they are discovered – small roofing problems have a way to aggravate unexpectedly quickly, almost overnight, so you need quick action and smaller problems are also easier and cheaper to repair than major roofing issues.
